Telle la remontada de Montebourg, voici des nouvelles du serpent de mer.
(Bon obligé de créer un nouveau sujet car Mr le Bot ne permet pas de poster plus de 3 fois de suite sur un même sujet)
Pour faire simple, Mr GameZone (Ludofilia), le producteur de HQ 25th, que l’on attend depuis 7 ans, avait obtenu les droits d’Heroquest en Europe car Mr HASBRO avait oublié de les renouveler.
Or Mr Hasbro souhaite sortir sa version 2022 d’Heroquest.
Donc Mr Hasbro est allé voir Mr GameZone.
Et là c’est le drame. Comment faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué.
Mr HASBRO récupère les droits et peut donc distribuer son jeu en Europe
Mr GameZone doit, en contre partie, changer le nom de son jeu qui devient, je vous le donne Emile, TseuQuest. Et c’est pas une blague → Pseudo-Palindrome débile
Et c’est pas fini
Les backers ont désormais le choix entre recevoir la version de Mr Hasbro ou celle de Mr GameZone.
Pour ceux qui ont acheté des Add-on et en ce qui concerne les frais de port aucune info.
Et le texte sur le site de GameZone et sachant que d’Hasbro semble avoir le même son de cloche.
Ludofilia’s tabletop game is being rebranded as TseuQuesT.
Ludofilia, in an accord with Hasbro, has renounced all its valid Heroquest trademarks throughout Europe. Ludofilia used those trademarks to cover its version of the board game that it offered in crowdfunding and pre-sale. From now on the board game will be RENAMED TseuQuesT. The exact contents or the game itself will remain unchanged.
-It only the name has changed, all of the board game content remains unchanged, except for the use of the new brand TseuQuesT to encompass all its components.
Both Backers and pre-sale customers have had to endure with extreme patience the continuous delays of the official launch of our board game. Finally,the foreseen delivery date by the European-based printing company is for the end of the first quarter of 2022. If all goes well, from that date we will start shipping your games.
-Optionally, Backers and pre-sales customers will have the chance to exchange their reserved copies of the Ludofilia game for copies of the Hasbro version of Heroquest: ONLY 1 FOR BACKER (more information on CANJE HQ)
-This exclusive exchange offer for crowdfunding backers and pre-sales made by customers until the day before this announcement -November 15, 2021-
-From this moment, any new client who wants to pre-buy the TseuQuesT board game can do so here.
-The current price of the TseuQuesT is the same as offered during the crowdfunding campaign, and will remain until the day of its official launch, at which time its price will be adjusted upwards.
We greatly thank Hasbro for their professionalism and cordiality since our first contact at the beginning of 2013 until now.
Attendez, la version hero quest 25th qui est indiquée sortir bientôt c’est hasbro ou l’autre ? Celui qui a le contenu identique et deux addons + nouvelle campagne et nouveaux héros ?